Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Ready for Winter Part Two

Continental Gatorskins are a bitch to put on.

I was so excited for these tyres when they came in the post. Excitement soon turned to frustration however as I could not get the damn things on my rim. First I tried with my fingers - gave myself a big blister on my thumb - so I moved onto tyre levers. Snapped three of them.
Asked my friend Paul to try, he couldn't get them over the rim either. So I left them for the night.
Came back to them Monday evening with my friend James who managed the front tyre fairly quickly but was as stumped as the back tyre as I was. We chatted and chilled and eventually using a kitchen knife he got it on the rim for. Thank goodness!

I adjusted the mudguards to make sure the wheels span smoothly and I was good to go!
I also added another front & rear light to add to my visibility at night.

Cycled to work on Tuesday in the pouring rain and I loved every second of it. Tyres weren't noticeably different to the old 23's but the difference will (hopefully) be the amount of punctures I get from the Gatorskins. Mudguards performed brilliantly - not sure if I will ever get used to the feeling of cycling through a mini-lake and not getting and splashback at all.

Here are a few pictures of the new tyres & lights. Black bar tape yet to come but otherwise this baby is ready to tackle winter!

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